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About Ada

        Ada Lovelace (formerly Augusta Ada Byron), was born on December 10, 1815 in London, England. She died of uterine cancer at the age of 36 in Marylebone, London on November 27, 1852. Many people suspect that she may also have died due to the fact that her doctors had tested bloodletting on her body to try and cure her.

         She was the daughter of the poet Lorn Byron and Anne Isabelle Milbanke, who had a very brief marriage. Her father left shortly after (dying in Greece during 1823) and so she was raised by her mother, Lady Byron. Her mother wished for Ada to be nothing like her poetic father, so she had Ada receive vigorous tutoring in mathematics and music. She was privately tutored in mathematics and science by William Frend, William King, and Mary Somerville. In 1828, she proved her intelligence by producing a design for a flying machine.

         Ada became famous for translating Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea'​s memoir on

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By: Nicole Vien Room 207

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